Tax Due Diligence

Fluctuations in the world economy and the market may at times force companies to consider altering their strategies, expanding or downsizing. For this reason, new partnerships being established, company shares being sold or purchasing another company’s shares – partially or completely – are scenarios that are frequently observed. Due diligence is accepted as the first step for all these transactions. One of the most important due diligence issues is determining tax related conditions and risks involved concerning the company whose shares will be partially or completely sold or bought.

  • Buy side due diligence,
  • Vendor due diligence,
  • Preparing a data room and managing the vendor side process,
  • Building the most tax-related optimum purchasing/sales model,
  • Contribution to the post-acquisition integration process in terms of tax and accounting,
  • Providing tax related consultancy during negotiations before and after the purchase or sale.

As BDO, we have contributed to many tax due diligence projects for many important sale and purchase transactions, for more than 35 years. With the experience and reliability we have gained in our due diligence projects that we have carried out with many companies in various sectors, including the public sector, we are currently running numerous tax due diligence operations.


M. Emek Kurt

Partner - Tax / ITC
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Erdal Aslan Ph. D.

Partner - Tax / Advisory
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