Export Controls

Export control is the control applied to exported goods in terms of military materials and services and dual-use goods and technology.

Export controls have four pillars:

  • Embargo decisions taken in internationally binding platforms (such as the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Union)
  • International conventions
  • Export control regimes that some countries have established together.
  • Export control regulations created by some countries within the framework of their own country's needs.

Wassenaar Arrangement, Nuclear Suppliers Group, Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime, Zangger Committee are important initiatives under export controls.

Under this heading, the following services are offered:

  • United States Export Control System (ITAR-EAR)
  • European Union Export Control System
  • Turkish Export Control System

Asım Usanmaz

Partner - Consulting
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Cahit Gökçelik

Partner - Consulting
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