Corporate Restructuring

Corporate Restructuring

Fluctuations in the world economy and the market may at times force companies to consider altering their strategies, expanding or downsizing. Corporate re-structuring methods such as mergers, purchasing, demergers, or re-planning the supply chain are all common remedies for adapting to new conditions.

As BDO, we have contributed to many restructuring projects for more than 35 years. Whether it be by managing the process itself, or by providing consultancy services. With the experience and reliability we have gained with these successful projects, we are managing many projects of this nature at present.

With globalization and technological developments, business needs are increasing – both in range and quantity. As a result, accessing efficient and effective counselling from a reliable, sole source is a common preference for all corporations. With this in mind, as well as audit, tax, accounting and consultancy services, we also provide legal consultancy services.

Our consultancy services, primarily on commercial law and company restructuring projects, are offered by our dynamic and experienced team who keep a close watch on the legislative amendments. 

A number of services we provide in this field are as follows:

  • Due diligence for the buying party,
  • Due diligence for the selling party,
  • Preparation of a data room and management of the prep process for the selling party,
  • Assembling the most optimum purchasing/sales model in terms of finances and taxes,
  • Preparation, revision and negotiation services for merger and demerger agreements, share purchase agreements (SPA), and shareholder agreements (SHA),
  • Preparation of obligatory CPA reports as per the Turkish Code of Commerce (TTK) in the course of corporate restructuring,
  • Company valuations,
  • Contributing to the integration process post-purchasing, merger and demerger, with taxes and accounting issues,
  • Monitoring the implementation of all liabilities for public institutions and organizations during restructuring projects, such as the Competition Authority, Capital Markets Board (SPK), Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK), and the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK),
  • Providing consultancy services for corporate restructuring negotiations.
  • Company restructuring projects,
  • Mergers and acquisitions,
  • Full and partial demergers,
  • Company type changes and liquidation,
  • Establishing company, branch, liaison offices,
  • General Assembly organizations,
  • Legal review and reporting services (due diligence),
  • Contract reviews,
  • Corporate Management Consultancy.



Cemalettin Turan

Partner - Tax / ILP
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M. Emek Kurt

Partner - Tax / ITC
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Mustafa Kayhan

Legal Advisor- Tax/Commercial Law
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Erdal Aslan Ph. D.

Partner - Tax / Advisory
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