Tax Inspections and Disputes

Tax Inspections and Disputes

Tax inspections, conciliation discussions and tax cases are processes that must be managed with the utmost care and precision. It is vital for companies and individuals partaking in such procedures to employ expert assistance.

With the vast experience and competence that we have gained by holding a leading position in tax practices over 40 years, we manage our clients’ tax inspections and discrepancy processes in the utmost professional manner whilst ensuring the most desirable outcomes.

Within this scope, we offer the services below:

  • Consultancy, support and process management services during tax inspections,
  • Consultancy services related to the defence requests made in the presence of report evaluation commissions,
  • Consultancy services related tax settlement carried in the presence of tax settlement commissions,
  • Preparation of the petition related tax cases and management of the litigation process,
  • Tax Law Consultancy,
  • Resolution services for tax refunds related disputes at administrative and judicial stage.
  • Preparing petitions of ruling and providing technical support .
  • Consultancy services related "Mutual Agreement Procedure" within the scope of double taxation prevention agreements.



M. Emek Kurt

Partner - Tax / ITC
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