Cyber Security

Our cybersecurity services are structured in accordance with the "Zero Trust" framework.

Zero Trust is a strategic approach in cybersecurity that secures an organization by continuously verifying every stage of digital interaction, as opposed to the "trust but verify" approach that has been used in the past.

Organizations  must ensure that all access requests are continuously reviewed before allowing access to any of their assets in their environment, shared data centers, or on the cloud. Policies should be in place that include user and device risk, as well as compliance or other requirements that must be considered before allowing processing. So it requires the organization to know all of its services and privileged accounts, and to be able to establish controls over what and where they are connected. One-time verification will not be enough, because threats and user characteristics can all change.

Our  cybersecurity services, which include audit and verification steps carried out by  our experienced penetration testing experts, are as follows:

  • Vulnerability Management Service
  • Security Auditing over the Internet
  • Web Application Security Auditing
  • Mobile Application Security Audit
  • Security Auditing from within the LAN
  • Wireless Network Check Tests
  • Social Engineering Tests
  • Security Products/Services Audit and Rules Analysis/Optimization
  • Cyber Threat Monitoring and Reporting Service
  • Network-Based Malware Analysis
  • Source Code Analysis
  • Anomaly Detection in Critical Applications
  • Application and System Component Inventory

Betül Ertem Yıldız

Partner - Governance, Risk & Compliance
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Guy Sadeh

Head of Digital Audit and IS Audit Partner
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